CSP Animation tutorial - Difference between Frame Cel and Layer

Tutorial / 18 December 2024


CSP Animation tutorial - Duplicating Cels

Tutorial / 14 December 2024


Animation tutorial - Onion skin settings!

Tutorial / 13 December 2024

Ok because I nearly blinded myself on my last illustration because of this... Here's a tutorial on how to change onion skin settings!


How to create a shortcut for Grid Snapping in Unreal Engine

Tutorial / 31 May 2024

This is a very new user type tutorial, probably a lot of you know already how to do it... But if you're here it means you don't know how... So...

1-  Go to edit>editor preferences

2-  Now go to General>Keyboard Shortcuts

3- Now just scroll down until you found Common Viewport Commands

4- Scrool down until you find the Grid Snap shortcut. In the same section you can add a shortcut for Increasing and decreasing the grid snap



New tutorial for CSP-Workhorse brush 101!

Tutorial / 29 November 2022

Hi everybody I've just released a new tutorial, in which I show you how to create a multipurpose brush


It's the same brush I used for a LOOOOOOONG time in my career and I just stopped using it just recently

Hope this will be helpful!


Graphixly Webinar... HOSTED BY ME!!!

Tutorial / 10 November 2022

Hi, everybody!

It's with great pleasure that I announce to you that I will be hosting a graphixly webinar!

You can follow it on this link



Free tutorial - Coloring for beginners in CSP

Tutorial / 12 October 2022

Hi everybody!

I've made a beginners guide on how to color in CSP! You can find it here


I will show you how I've made this piece


Layers for confused artist - tutorial

Tutorial / 11 December 2021

Hi everybody!

I've released a tutorial on how layers works for beginners for CSP. In which I describe the layer palette, the list of normal layers and correction layers. Plus you can find a little layer decision making flowchart.


The gradient, fill and tone layer are the same layer with different settings. Did you know it?

Layers for confused Artists
